Trademark Search is a stepping stone to budding entrepreneurs and wannabee start-up ventures to apply for a TM. Trademark Search serves as a ready reckoner for industrialists and enterprise buccaneers to register their organization’s name. Trademark Search serves as a ready-reckoner / dictionary for entrepreneurs / industrialists who wish to obtain a
Trademark in their organization / personal name. A person or company needs to enter Trademark Search portal to know about the availability of their business / organization’s name. Any person wanting to register his / her company’s name or inventor or synthesizer’s name needs to do a look-up in the Trademark Search portal for ready availability of his organization’s / inventor’s name. One may register, subject to availability.
Trademark classification is based on the activity, product and / or services of a person or organization wanting to get a Trademark certification. There are broadly, about 45 chapters, under which a candidate may wish to go for Trademark certification. The classification of services / products / genre is nothing but an off-shoot or an extension of the (BTN) Brussels Trade Nomenclature / (HSN) Harmonized System of Nomenclature of Services and / or Commodities which serves as a ready reckoner for assessing the indirect tax liability of the producer / trader/ super stockist/ Wholesaler/ Retailer and ultimately the final consumer. Trademark classification is the first step towards initiating the formalities to apply for a trademark.
Once, a company or an individual obtains a trademark, they enjoy a sort of distinct advantage, a numero – uno position in the world of commerce and enterprise. This certification enables one to get a head-start. It differentiates them from other entities. It distinguishes the chaff from the grain.
World over, people / organizations / firms / governments / legal entities place a value on a firm which has earned a
Trademark to its name. It becomes a stepping- stone / gateway to progress / expansion and success.
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